Resolution of the International Award for Educational Research
We already have the winners of the 1st International Award for Educational Research, which is aimed at educational researchers, teachers and academics, as well as educational research groups.
A total of 13 applications from 5 countries were submitted and the jury, made up of representatives from 6 institutes, evaluated each of the projects on the basis of the criteria indicated in the call for proposals. Each project was evaluated by 3 institutes. The resolution was announced by Dr. Antonio Bartolomé during IRED’21 and the resolution is:
• International Award for Educational Research, Young Researchers Category
CARME TRULL OLIVA (Department of Pedagogy, University of Girona). She presented the thesis “El empoderamiento de las personas jóvenes con medida de convivencia en grupo educativo de medio abierto. Análisis de la tarea socioeducativa y diseño de estrategias para la intervención en el sistema de justicia juvenil”.
• International Award for Educational Research, consolidated groups modality.
Grupo de Estudios e Investigación Educativa en Tecnologías de la Comunicación, Orientación e Intervención Sociocultural [ÁGORA] directed by Dr. José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez, from the University of Huelva. The following projects were presented:
- State R&D project: Youtubers and instagramers: media competence in emerging prosumers.
- State R&D project: Media competences of citizens in emerging digital media (smartphones and tablets): innovative practices and educommunicative strategies in multiple contexts.
- European Union project: Media in Action.
The jury highly appreciates the other nominations and thanks them for their participation.
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