Call for applications FPI 2021 is open

The call for grants for pre-doctoral contracts for the training of doctors from the Ministry of Science and Innovation has been published and the application form is available on the website.

FPI grants must be related to a research project. You can consult the list of projects eligible for this type of aid here.

The deadline is 11 November 2021 at 14h (peninsular time). More information on the Ministry’s website or at

1st WEB SEMINAR OF THE CATALAN JOURNAL OF PEDAGOGY: “Education and COVID: A turning point for young migrants and the practicum in pedagogy and the pedagogy practicum”

1 December 2021, from 6 to 7.30 p.m.

For registration:

At times like the present, it is relevant to question the scientific and professional educational community about the phenomenon of COVID-19 and the repercussions it has on the pedagogical field. In this increasingly changing and innovative society, pedagogy must be able to deploy competencies with large margins of uncertainty. On the part of practice organisations and working professionals, an organisational context and a framework of professional requirements are offered in which students are expected to appreciate the situation of demand, reflect, and face up to the activity they are called upon. From this approach, the Revista Catalana de Pedagogia invites you to its first webinar, which will focus on two of the most read articles published recently:

SCHMIDLIN, M; VENCESLAO, M; BELTRÁN, O; FREIXA, M.; SÁNCHEZ, A. (2020). “Infants i joves que migren sols en temps de COVID-19. Una mirada des dels serveis”. Revista Catalana de Pedagogia, núm. 18, p. 13-28. DOI:

Full article:

RAJADELL, N; ANEAS, A; MÉNDEZ, J.; FERRÉ, M. (2021). “Balanç de deu anys del pràcticum de pedagogia a la Universitat de Barcelona”. Revista Catalana de Pedagogia, num. 19, p. 3-23. DOI:

Full article:

Moderated by Ruth Vilà Baños:


Unaccompanied migrant minors in times of COVID-19. The view from the institutions

The COVID-19 pandemic is acting as a magnifying glass that allows us to see more clearly both the weaknesses of the contemporary public social protection system and the vital importance of institutions and professionals in the social field at a time when the most vulnerable population segments have been particularly hard hit. In this respect, the main purpose of this paper is to make visible the situation of unaccompanied migrant minors in Catalonia, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. To do this, we conducted a descriptive qualitative study that forms part of a broader R&D project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (RTI2018-095259-B-I00, MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE). The study was based on semi-structured interviews addressed to members of the Public Administration, technicians and/or educators from different entities and institutions in the Catalan territory. The results point out numerous challenges, situations of vulnerability and needs of these minors that have increased with the pandemic. The findings demonstrate the need for an urgent response from government institutions and highlight the need for more intensive networking and a greater deployment of competences and skills with respect to social justice.

Authors and speakers:

10-year balance of the Pedagogy practicum at the University of Barcelona

This article presents a narrative review of the scientific production generated over the last 10 years by the coordination department of the Pedagogy degree practicum at the University of Barcelona, ​​through the consolidated teaching innovation group PRAXIS. Following a bibliometric approach, a total of 14 articles and numerous participations in conferences and book chapters were detected from 2010 to 2020. These are presented in chronological order and allow a critical reflection on the PRAXIS group’s 3 lines of constant analysis: curriculum, methodology and evaluation. These aspects, which have led to the current model of external internships, have been addressed in a transversal and continuous way in the different publications stemming from the group’s activity. This review, however, has allowed three historical stages to be detected in which the focus has been on one of these thematic lines over time. After establishing these stages, the historical development of the research carried out in relation to each of the three lines is presented. With the evidence extracted from the research, we validate the functionality of the internship model and its possible transfer to other universities. Lastly, contemplating the situation of exceptionality caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the new educational challenges that derive from it, the coordination of the practicum proposes orientations of change and improvement, identifying possible new lines of research that may guide the Practicum’s endeavours to meet the challenges posed in the current situation and in the long term.

Authors and speakers:

Link to the IRE news item:

Book: El portafolio del profesorado en educación superior. Uso y experiencias en el contexto iberoamericano

Zoia Bozu coordinates, together with Milena Alcocer Tocora, the book “El portafolio del profesorado en educación superior. Use and experiences in the Ibero-American context”. The authors of the book are: Francisco Imbernón, Inéride Álvarez Suescun, María Isabel Arbesú, Elena Cano García, Gary Cifuentes, Edith J. Cisneros Cohernour, Clara Inés García, Laia Lluch Molins, María Vicenta González Argüello, Galo E. López Gambora, María del Rosario Navarro Botero and Joan Tomàs Pujolà, in addition to the coordinators.


This book provides teachers, educators, researchers, and the academic community in general with a resource that compiles the experiences of professors who have implemented and used teaching portfolio in different Ibero-American universities. On the one hand, it seeks to demonstrate its usefulness and, on the other hand, to cooperate with and support colleagues and institutions that are starting to use this valuable tool. This work is divided into two parts: the first one shares experiences in the planning and use of teaching portfolio in three contexts of higher education (Spanish, Colombian, and Mexican institutions), while the second part, using a more practical and applicative approach, presents an activity guide that is intended to be a resource and an aid for teachers and researchers who are getting started with the methodology related to teaching portfolio. The guide is conceived as an instrument of self-evaluation and reflection that presents the challenge of outlining a first structure of a proper teaching portfolio.


Bozu, Z., & Alcocer, M. (2021) (coord.). El portafolio del profesorado en educación superior: Uso y experiencias en el contexto iberoamericano (1ªed.). Bogotá: Editorial Universidad del Rosario


XI Simposio Internacional CIDUI 2020 (online)

La celebración del Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación 2020 se tuvo que aplazar dadas las circunstancias excepcionales actuales, priorizando el principio de máxima prudencia. La organización ya ha informado de que el XI CIDUI tendrá lugar en julio de 2021, bajo el título “Más allá de las competencias: nuevos retos en la sociedad digital”.

Además, se ha organizado el XI SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL CIDUI 2020 abierto en toda la comunidad universitaria con inscripción gratuita y que tendrá lugar los próximos 1 y 2 de julio en formato virtual.

Información facilitada en la web del congreso:

Lo CIDUI con sus 20 años de historia como espacio y ágora para la innovación docente ampliamente reconocido por nuestro sistema universitario, no puede ser ajeno en este momento inédito en la educación superior, y pretende dar voz a docentes de todo el mundo para compartir y amplificar las estrategias y conclusiones extraídos durante estos últimos meses, analizando la vivencia propia e internacional, iniciando así una reflexión transformadora a medio-largo plazo. Bajo esta premisa, la organización del CIDUI propone adaptarse a la actualidad y recoger todos estos elementos convocando un Simposio Internacional extraordinario justamente en formato virtual para aprovechar la experiencia que esta situación de emergencia ha generado.

Siguiendo los principios de la sociedad del conocimiento que reclaman la generación de nuevo conocimiento que permita una innovación constante para dar respuesta a las nuevas realidades y retos, proponemos la realización de un Simposio Internacional bajo el título “La educación superior en la sociedad del conocimiento: retos de los modelos híbridos”, donde debatir y analizar las potencialidades de las formaciones híbridas a través de la experiencia acumulada internacionalmente a raíz de esta crisis sanitaria mundial, para contribuir a resolver los retos presentes y futuros planteados a las instituciones de educación superior en el marco de la sociedad del conocimiento.
Este Simposio pretende hablar y debatir no solo con los equipos docentes, sino también con los equipos de gobierno, los equipos de administración y gestión y el propio alumnado, dado que no se han generado nuevas realidades solo en la dimensión de la docencia sino también en la coordinación y gestión dentro de los propios equipos y entre unidades, y así extraer conclusiones que nos permitan innovar en estas combinaciones formativas de naturaleza mixta y significativa que contribuyan a mejorar la formación superior de nuestro sistema universitario.

La inscripción es gratuita y abierta a todo el mundo, solo hay que registrarse y conectarse los días 1 y 2 de julio de 2020.
